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Beecroft Primary School

School Governors

Governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to the school and the education of its children. They contribute to the day to day running of the school and have an input into the achievement of its pupils. Department for Education

The school governing body, at Beecroft Primary School, are volunteers who help to run the school. Their individual skills are essential in informing the decision making of the school: skills gained as a parent, in working life or in the community. Together they have responsibility for raising school standards through their three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend.

Beecroft Primary School Governing Body: All governors participate in staff appointments and the review of school policies and areas of the curriculum.

Download School Governor List
Download Governor Attendance
Download Governors Report To Parents

Governors Meeting Minutes

Download October 2022 Governors Meeting Minutes
Download October 2022 Headteachers Report To Governors
Download March 2023 Governors Meeting Minutes
Download March 2023 Headteachers Report To Governors
Download NOVAC (Note Of Visit And Contact) report to governors 22.3.2023
Download June 2023 Governors Meeting Minutes
Download June 2023 Headteachers Report To Governors
Download October 2023 Headteachers Report To Governors
Download 2023 KS1 School Dashboard For Governors And School Leaders
Download November 2023 Governors Meeting Minutes
Download March 2024 Headteachers Report To Governors
Download March 2024 Governors Meeting Minutes

Complaints Procedure

In the event of any concern regarding the curriculum or its delivery the first person to approach is the Headteacher. The Governing Body has a procedure to be followed if the problem cannot be resolved at this level. Details of this procedure are available on request. It is always the school's policy to resolve matters at the lowest level, firstly through discussion. We welcome parental feedback.

Download Complaints Policy

If you have any concerns you should approach the school first, however, the Chair of Governors, Mr. Steve Harris, can be contacted by email.