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Beecroft Primary School


Beecroft is a leading school for excellence with all abilities of children.

National Test Results

All pupils achieve very high standards. Our national test results at age 7 and 11 are well above those of similar schools. The trend has been consistent over the last ten years. Children with special educational needs also do very well. The proportion of pupils achieving higher levels at age 11 is well above the average nationally.

the top performing school in Leeds where all eligible pupils achieved the expected levels in Maths and English and made the required two or more levels of progress in both subjects between the ages of 7 and 11
View 2023 Results
View FFT KS2 Early Results July 2024

National Recognition : Outstanding

The school received an outstanding Ofsted report in 2010 and achieved the Outstanding School Award.

Beecroft is a National Support School and the Headteacher is a National Leader of Education.

Art and Drama is very strong in the school. Our art work has been on display in The Royal Albert Hall in London. All pupils have the opportunity of participating in drama and a wide variety of extra curricular activities. "There is excellent social and cultural development."